Utilizing the UGA Brand to Expand Your Reach

Everyone works in the digital space in some capacity. In this session, we will look at tips and tricks to elevate your digital outreach alongside the UGA brand. Hear from panel members as they share insight into up-to-date best practices in utilizing the UGA brand.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn about new updates to the brand and its use.
  • Learn how to post on LinkedIn efficiently.
  • Elevate the appearance of your content and deliverables.


Mary Grace Feldman, digital media coordinator, Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Outreach (moderator)
Mary Grace serves as the digital media coordinator in the Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Outreach. In this role, she creates content for social media, updates the website and conducts analyses to determine the reach of PSO across the web. She has a master’s degree in integrated advertising and public relations and eight years of experience in graphic design. Prior to her current role, Mary Grace served as a graphic designer for the Archway Partnership.
Kipp Mullis, senior marketing professional, UGA Marketing & Communications
Kipp is the senior marketing professional in the Division of Marketing & Communications managing trademarks usage and policy compliance. A graduate of the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication in 1993 with a degree in Advertising, Kipp is currently pursuing an MPA at UGA, focusing on local government and economic development. Kipp has worked with the Division of Marketing & Communications since 2015, present for both the development of the current university brand, and the subsequent rollout of its companion visual identity system.
Whitney Mathisen, creative design specialist, UGA Marketing & Communications
Whitney has 12 years of experience as a graphic designer, nine of them at UGA. She currently works in the Division of Marketing & Communications where she serves as a creative design specialist and visual identity manager. While designing materials for a variety of projects and events, she works with people across the university to better understand and implement brand guidelines.
Jamie Lewis, social media manager, UGA Marketing & Communications
Jamie oversees social media strategy and content for UGA’s social media accounts, manages a team of 30 student social media ambassadors, and serves as a guide and resource for social media users across campus. She advises senior campus leadership on how to effectively leverage social media to increase brand awareness. Prior to her current position, Jamie was a digital strategist in the Division of Development and Alumni Relations at UGA, overseeing social media and email marketing.