Let’s Take Team-Building to the Next Level

Do you relish the idea of team-building with your colleagues or cower at the thought of it? Whichever “team” you land on, effective team-building is an important exercise for strengthening relationships and productivity within an organization. In this session, participants will learn different team-building approaches and how to pair an approach with a particular goal or desired outcome. The goal of the session will be to prepare participants to lead fun, meaningful, and productive team-building.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Learn to select the right team-building approach for a particular outcome.
  • Identify team-building activities that simultaneously “break the ice” and introduce a topic for discussion.
  • Learn to describe pitfalls in team-building activities.


Brendan Leahy, public service associate, J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development
Brendan focuses much of his effort on community leadership programs, while also working heavily in subject areas such as instructional design, applied research and leadership assessments. He has expertise with a variety of leadership, social and communication styles assessments, including Emergenetics©. In addition Brendan also works on a variety of Fanning Institute programs and initiatives, including those focused on leadership development in a wide array of contexts, youth leadership development, general facilitation, and organizational and community strategic planning.