Financial Fitness Bootcamp

This bootcamp is a one-stop workshop to learn everything you need to know about one’s financial journey in life. Understanding how to properly budget, how credit functions, and exploring strategies to prevent identity theft are important aspects to stay fit with your finances.

Learning Objectives:

  • Create a budget based on current market forces
  • Learn about credit and how to use it effectively to your advantage
  • Safeguard one’s personal information to assist in the prevention of identity theft


Ken Chrzanowski, business development manager, Georgia United Credit Union
Ken is a retired, award-winning educator, who focuses his teaching background on financial wellness and literacy. Since joining Georgia United in 2014 as a certified credit union financial counselor, he has led development and deployment of financial education seminars and counseled employees at the credit union’s 400-plus partner companies, The University of Georgia, Georgia state employees, K-12 and Board of Regents educational systems and the Archdiocese of Atlanta.